What Martial Arts Do Mma Fighters Use
UFC fighters can use whatever they want thats why it is called mixed martial arts. But pretty much every MMA gym teaches there fighters Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. They are the martial arts the MMA gyms teach to its students. Mirko Filipovic is yet another mixed martial arts fighter with a history of using human growth hormone. He admitted to the use of HGH after his retirement. He said that he mixed the growth hormone with blood plasma to help his shoulder heal faster before the UFC and USADA caught up with him. Well I will be the first one to tell you, Krav Maga is very different than mixed martial arts. The only thing that is similar between kraal maga and mixed martial arts is that there are some techniques that were taking from MMA to develop Krav Maga. McGregor expertly used leg kicks and low kicks to keep Nate Diaz at bay in their UFC 202 fight. So if McGregor uses Capoeira, boxing, Taekwondo, Karate, and Muay Thai techniques, what about other. Greco-Roman Wrestling has been used by some of the world’s top MMA fighters including Randy Couture, Matt Lindland, and Dan Henderson. There is a good chance you’ve heard of these individuals. If you like and want to emulate Couture’s fighting style, you’ll want to learn Greco-Roman wrestling.
So what does MMA training consist of really? The answer to that question is actually quite big. Because no MMA fighter trains the same as the other one. And everyone got their opinion on what’s the wrong way to train and what’s the right way to train.
I do however feel like there are some essentials that you need to work on to become good at MMA. With this article, I will inform you of these essentials and also some alternative ways to train for MMA based on my own experience and some research.
A Good Start
Mixed Martial Arts Mma Tournament
I believe the best way to start MMA is by first learning grappling. This will allow you and your body to get used to 1 on 1 combat without getting punched in the face and also build strength and endurance. And just like the stand-up part of MMA, there are multiple different martial arts to choose between when it comes to the ground game. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Russian Sambo, Submission wrestling, catch wrestling and Judo are some of them. I don’t think it really matters which one to train as they all prepare you for the same thing.
Depending on ground fitness level I believe different forms of Strength and endurance training are recommended. Crossfit is a really good way of training your overall fitness and will make you strong and durable. Fighters generally do strength training 3-4 times a week. And even though I believe that working out with your own bodyweight is to prefer. It is great to switch it up sometimes with heavy weights.
After around 6 months of grappling, it might be a good idea to switch it up with some stand-up. Muay Thai and boxing are 2 good disciplines to train. Start switching between the grappling, stand-up and the conditioning. From here on you will start to build up your style of MMA and notice what type of training you respond best to. And where you need more work and less work.
Combining the Elements
After some time you should start combining everything into MMA. This is great to do by sparring a lot. Combine takedowns, clinches and striking to create your game. As time pass you will notice how you naturally adapt your game to the type of fighting your body type and psyche can do most efficiently. Therefore there is no typical way of training MMA as everybody has their own preferable style.
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Professional Fighters

As fighters become professional they need to start putting in more work to their training routine. As the money is pretty bad in the beginning most of them will need to have a normal 8-4 work in the day. Leaving little time over for fun and games.
Some fighters will train more and some fighters will train less depending on what their body needs. But typically they will have at least 90 minutes of martial arts training a day. And at least 60 more minutes a day to work on their conditioning in various forms. Also, quite a bit of time to work on their mental strength is common.
Typical strength and conditioning:
A very common way to work on strength is to build a circuit. I will give an example of a circuit here.
- Sledgehammer on tire for 90 seconds. rest 30 seconds.
This exercise is easy to perform as you simply swing a sledgehammer as you would with an axe on a big truck tire.
- Sprint 2*40 meters. rest 30 seconds
Sprint 40 meters then turn around and sprint the same distance back.
- pull-ups 1 minute. rest 30 seconds

Do as many pull-ups you can for 1 minute.
- Throw medicine ball for 1 minute. 30 seconds rest.
Throw a medicine ball straight up then pick it up from the floor and to the same thing again for 1 minute.
- Squats 1 minute
Do squats for 1 minute straight with whatever weight you can handle.
- Rest for 3-5 minutes and do the same thing all over again for a total of 3-5 sets.
Martial Art Training
Depending on what type of fighters it is. They will focus their martial arts training based on the way they fight. For example, if the fighter is mainly looking to take their opponent down and submit them. They will probably spend much of their time practicing Jiu-jitsu. And if the fighter prefers to fight standing up he/she will probably spend much time practicing Muay Thai or whatever discipline they prefer. But everyone will need to switch it up from time to time to work on their non-preferable skills.
This type of training takes a big toll on your body. Most fighters spend a lot of time on recovery. Like cryotherapy, massages and rest. This is a very important part of longevity.
Mental Training
It is getting more and more common for fighters to hire a mental coach. Because the pressure to always deliver can be a little bit overwhelming and become a huge disturbance for fighters. As I believe 90 percent of a fighter’s abilities sits in his head. I believe it should be just as much emphasis put on the mental part as on the physical part. Mindfulness is a good way to learn how to direct your thoughts. Many pro fighters do mindfulness for that very reason.
Whenever you watch a boxing or MMA fight you will notice a transparent, jelly-like substance being applied to the face of the fighter by a cutman. Well, that substance is called vaseline and it is used throughout the world of combat sports. But why do fighters apply vaseline on their face before a fight?
There are several reasons why vaseline is applied to the face of a fighter before a fight. But the main reason is to minimise friction from punches to the face area. As the jelly is applied to all the areas of the face most likely to get cut by a punch.
What Is Vaseline?
Vaseline is the substance used universally by fighters around the world during fights, but what exactly is it? Well, Vaseline is a combination of petroleum jelly that is then mixed with oils and waxes.
This combination of substances creates a petroleum jelly which is perfectly suited to the job. Sealing and making the skin slippery to help of preventing cuts and blood flow during sanctioned fights.
Why Apply Vaseline To A Fighters Face
In most fights, the face is the focal point for attack. Whether its punches in boxing or punches, elbows and kicks in MMA. The head and especially face area take a large percentage of the damage.
Martial Arts Mma
And as the face has several areas of relatively thin skin. That cover often quite pronounced bones around the eyes and cheekbones. This means that these are the most likely areas to get cut during the fight.
So by applying a substance like Vaseline to the face. With its combination of oils and waxes. This creates a barrier on the skin which helps to both seal the skin as well as make the area slippery. So that when a punch lands it will help deflect the glove off of the skin.
Which without the petroleum jelly would have friction with the glove. And as a result, is more likely for the skin to tear on impact. The result of which can lead to the fight being stopped and that fighter losing.
And between rounds, if a fighter does receive a cut, then vaseline will be applied to the area by the cutman using their finger. But vaseline on its own is not enough to stop heavy bleeding. So the cutman will also use some coagulant to help restrict the blood vessels and stem the blood flow.
What Martial Arts Are Best For Mma

So a coagulant such as adrenaline chloride applied using a cotton swab. Is then used in conjunction with the vaseline. To help both stop the blood and at the same time seal the wound.
What Do Cutmen Use
Along with Vaseline, a cutman will have some other essential tools in their bag to help prevent bleeding and swelling. These consist of:
- A water bottle (keeping cloths cool and damp)
- Adrenaline Chloride 1:1000 (sealing cuts)
- Cotton swabs (for applying the coagulant)
- Enswells (small metal plates that have been iced)
- Sandwich bags (used for holding the ice)
- Vaseline (makes skin slippery and aids the sealing cuts)
So all of the above are used in combination with Vaseline to help prevent or minimise damage to a fighter during a fight. With the cotton swabs being used to apply the adrenaline chloride, combined with vaseline to seal the wound. And ice along with enswells to bring down the swelling.
Wrong Application Of Vaseline
List Of Mma Fighters
MMA is different from boxing in that it includes grappling. And this aspect of fighting involves using the leverage of an opponents limbs and body in order to achieve a submission victory.
What we have seen instances in the sport is that when vaseline is being applied to the face. Cornermen have also applied additional vaseline to other parts of the body. Making it much harder for the opponents to grab a limb and achieve a submission.
And so, for this reason, there are very strict rules around what is known as greasing in MMA. Or the illegal application of Vaseline to any part of the body other than the face during a fight.
So I think you can now see the very obvious reason for vaseline being a staple in combat sports. No other substance achieves the same results as it does during boxing or MMA fights. And so for the reason it has continued to be the product of choice for cutmen around the world.
So until a product is invented that fulfills all the same qualities as that of Vaseline. It will continue to be the worlds number one selling petroleum jelly. With $49,000,000 worth of exports around the world from the US. It’s reign looks set to continue for many more years to come.