Teach Me How To Play Blackjack
Introducing a friend, family member, or significant other to the game of blackjack can be a wonderful experience. As someone with limited gambling knowledge, it’s ideal to lean on a trustworthy person for assistance.
For the veteran in this scenario, the opportunity to bring them into the fold should be valued. If done correctly, you have a chance to turn someone into a lifelong fan of one of the more popular games.
However, if that introduction is mishandled, it can lead to a few potential problems down the road.
Gamblers who have some experience are likely aware of the fact that blackjack players love to offer advice. Some of it’s worthwhile; other times it’s better to shrug it off and act like you never heard it.
WORKING OUT BLACKJACK PAYOUTS. The majority of bets on blackjack pay even money, so if a. Play begins with the right-most player ('1st base') and continues player by player to the left. Your objective is to beat the dealer's hand; the higher hand wins, as long as it doesn't go over 21 (bust). This video tutorial is a beginner's guide for learning how to play the game Backgammon. Shop Backgammon boards on Amazon: video w. Learn how to play blackjack with this in-depth analysis. The full video covers the basics, what to do and what not to do, how to start the game, staying, hit. To give you a better understanding of how to play blackjack at a casino, we have broken down each step of the game. Our step-by-step guide walks you through a typical round of blackjack, covering everything from placing your bets at the start of a hand to the.
So, when you take it upon yourself to take a player under your wing, it’s important to handle the process like a pro. Here are seven things you should consider when teaching someone how to play blackjack for real money.
Good Gamblers Don’t Always Make Good Teachers
As mentioned in the introduction, blackjack players love to give their two cents about anything and everything related to the game. The thing is, much of that advice is unsolicited and often more annoying than helpful.
If someone respects your expertise enough to ask for direction, you should be flattered. It would be best if you also rewarded that trust with good teaching methods and helpful advice.
This entire process isn’t about you. With that in mind, you need to carry yourself like a helpful guide, rather than a self-possessed gambler.
Blackjack is More Complicated Than You Think
With countless hours of gambling behind you, it can be easy to forget where you started. You might feel at home while sitting around a blackjack table.
But, at one point, you were in the same position as the person asking for assistance.
Blackjack is a game that gets easier and more routine every time you play. The decisions you make at the table become second nature and situations that once caused dread are much less daunting.
This is what makes blackjack one of the best games for gamblers of all ages and skill levels. These marked improvements are satisfying to achieve.
Hopefully, novices will experience that sense of satisfaction at some point, but they often have a long road to get there. When they first start playing, they’ll likely feel lost and completely out of sorts.
Even if they familiarize themselves with blackjack rules and strategy, applying that knowledge to games can trip them up. Always remember that you felt a similar sense of helplessness at some point.
Teach Me How To Play Blackjack
The game might seem basic to you, but your amount of in-game experience completely dwarfs theirs.
Stick to Sharing Gambling Facts, Not Opinions
When I was learning to play blackjack, I typically relied on a few college friends for advice.
They were often happy to show me the ropes and help me navigate around tough situations at the tables. It wasn’t until I stopped playing with them that I realized that much of their wisdom led me astray.
Blackjack is as straightforward or as complicated as you make it. If you play by the book, you should perform decently at the tables.
With that in mind, it’s your responsibility to teach proven strategic approaches to blackjack. Failing to do so can result in a player forming bad habits that will eventually cost them money.
Stress the Importance of Bankroll Management
Hopefully, the person who asks you for gambling advice is someone whose company you enjoy.
By helping them develop into a smart, savvy gambler, you’ll make a gambling buddy for life.
How To Play Blackjack For Beginners

The most effective way to assure their continued gambling in the future is by teaching them casino bankroll management. Responsible spending is a concept that gamblers of all skill-levels struggle with.
Many of these poor habits on display all around casinos are often a result of a lack of responsible guidance. You might not enjoy being the voice of reason, but your gambling buddy in question will eventually appreciate it.
If you consider yourself to be financially responsible, consider sharing your best practices. If you don’t, maybe it’s time to consider developing smarter habits.
Intelligent, responsible bankroll management decisions aren’t glamorous, but they are key to a fledgling gambler’s growth.
Coach Them, Don’t Gamble For Them
Basic life lessons can often be applied to certain situations that frequently occur inside casinos.
If you’re anything like me, it can be hard to ask people for help. The aspiration to be self-sufficient and maybe even a touch of stubbornness can be a challenge to overcome.
If someone asks for your help at the tables, don’t do their gambling for them. Instead, analyze the situation, offer the advice you feel is appropriate, and explain your decision.
The knowledge you impart during these scenarios will stick with a gambler. Gambling for them might result in a win, but they will have learned nothing along the way.
Teach Me How To Play Blackjack
Spend Some Time Working On Casino Etiquette
Something that often gets overlooked when offering gambling advice is the topic of casino etiquette.
It’s often overlooked because gamblers are typically more focused on making money than anything else. While teaching someone about etiquette might not make them a better player, it will make them a more well-balanced gambler.
Gamblers who refuse to abide by basic courtesies are often a pain to gamble with. Some of these oversights are merely due to a lack of awareness, which is where a more experienced gambler comes in.
I find that the best way to teach someone about etiquette is by taking them to the casino to gamble. Certain concepts and practices are much easier to explain while gathered around a casino table.
Additionally, the student in this scenario will have a mental image to attach these seemingly arbitrary rules.
The gambling community as a whole should always promote courteous, respectful gambling. Tips able table etiquette should be shared whenever and wherever you deem them appropriate.
You don’t want to be the reason your gambling party makes a fool of themselves or ruins their reputation at a casino.
Gamblers Must Learn From Their Mistakes
Some of the best lessons in life follow significant mistakes.
When gambling, mistakes, and mental errors are a common occurrence. Anyone who argues differently is delusional or a bold-faced liar.
At some point, regardless of how great of a teacher you are, a pupil is going to mess up. Hopefully, you catch it in time to advise against it, but if not, it’s important to use it as a learning opportunity.
Under no circumstance should first-time offenses be chastised as new gamblers must learn to fail productively. If they are made to feel foolish, confidence will wane, and more mistakes will likely follow.
The Rewards of Teaching Blackjack
Teaching somehow how to play blackjack is often a rewarding experience. Engaging in the learning process is a perfect way for beginners to get started gambling and develop a bit of confidence.

If someone requests your assistance in this process, consider it another rite of passage in your gambling journey. However, before you begin offering advice, make sure to think back to when and where you first played blackjack.
By doing this, you can begin to figure out what methods are the most effective.
When offering advice, make sure to approach the situation like an instructor instead of a fellow gambler. Your abilities as a blackjack player have little to do with those as a teacher.
As someone with a decent amount of experience, blackjack likely comes easy to you. Be sure to remind yourself that the many elements of the game will seem foreign and complicated to an outsider.
Most of the advice you offer should be fact-based. Your opinions on certain parts of the game are important, but you should let other gamblers form their own in due time.
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Learn to Play Blackjack
Learning how to play blackjack is both a fun and rewarding experience. This is a quick how-to guide for the beginning player who has never played before but is interested in learning how to play blackjack. If you've never played blackjack before, be prepared for both a fun and rewarding experience that you will never forget.
Object of Blackjack
The object of blackjack is to achieve a total that is greater than the dealer's without going over 21. If there are other players at the table, you are still only trying to beat the dealer (the casino).
Card Values
Each numbered card 10 and under, has a value equal to the number on the card. Jacks, Queens, and Kings (all of the face cards), have a value of 10. The 10 valued cards have the greatest abundance in the game of blackjack. The final card in the deck is the Ace. This card has a special value in the game of blackjack because it can count either as 1 or 11, depending on what helps your hand the most. You should learn the values of the cards when you learn how to play blackjack.
How to Play and Win at Blackjack
There are 2 ways to win at the game of blackjack. The first way to win at a blackjack table is to end up with a hand that has a total higher than the hand of the dealer without going over 21. The second way of winning at a blackjack table is for the dealer to bust, by totaling over 21. Anytime the dealer exceeds the total of 21, any player still remaining in the hand that has not busted is a winner.
The Blackjack Table
Blackjack tables feature enough seating for 6 blackjack players. A sign at each blackjack table shows the table information including the betting limits. If the table limits are $2-$100, the minimum bet per hand is $2 and the maximum bet per hand is $100.
The Deal
The game begins after you've chosen a table, received your chips, and made your bet by placing it on the table in front of you in the betting circle. Each player receives 2 cards (usually face up) on the table. The dealer receives 1 card face up and 1 card face down.
Checking for Blackjack
'Blackjack' isn't just the name of the game; it's also the name of a specific hand of 2 cards that totals 21. Blackjack usually pays out 3 to 2 (although some casinos offer a 6 to 5 version of blackjack). If the dealer gets a blackjack, the players automatically lose unless they have a blackjack too.
If the dealer shows a face card or an ace as his face up card, he checks his hole card (the face down card) for blackjack. If he has a blackjack, he turns over his hand and removes all bets from the table.
If a player gets a blackjack, the dealer pays that player off immediately before continuing the rest of the hand with the other players.
Player Options
The rest of the game takes place after any blackjacks have been taken care of. The player closest to the left of the dealer is the first player to act.
The player has the following options while playing blackjack:
- Hit - Taking another card.
- Stand - Taking no more cards, your hand is set and finalized.
- Double Down - Doubling your wager, taking one hit (one more card), and then standing.
- Split - Doubling your wager and having each initial card be the first card in two new separate hands.
- Surrender - Forfeiting half of your wager and giving up your hand right then.
You have the option of taking as many hits as you want as long as you don't go over 21. When you finally have a total you are satisfied with, you tell the dealer you're going to stand, and the game play moves along to the next player.
Dealer's Options
The dealer acts last. After all the other players' action is resolved, the dealer flips over his hole card and reveals his total. The dealer must play his hand according to the house rules. Usually the dealer must hit until he has a total of 17 or higher. If the dealer starts with a total of 17, he stands.
Getting Paid
Winning and losing is determined after the dealer finishes playing his hand. The dealer pays out all the winning bets and collects all the losing bets before the next hand begins. The player to the right of the dealer gets paid off or collected 1st, and so on around the table.
See also: Card Counting Software Millionaire Casino Games Blackjack Sites Ordered By Traffic Card Counting in Blackjack
And the best way to learn how to play blackjack is with a Free Online Blackjack game.
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